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read what others have to say

Please note that clients' names are omitted to protect their privacy.

...I was incarcerated for approximately 28 - 30 years until I was given an opportunity to return to society. Though I was in society, I had no positive guidance and any sort of support at the beginning of my release. Maneuvering in society to live a productive life, was becoming more difficult... Months after, I realized that I couldn’t manage my situation, I reached out to social worker. Shortly after, I was referred to Cynthia Goldberg.
My life started to get structure by attending various programs, socially integrate with other pro social activities, and established work and business ethnics. This positive influence and assistance was solely due to Cynthia Goldberg.
— Male, former inmate
Cynthia played an integral role in just about every facet of the court proceedings and was ultimately responsible for my being released on bail with conditions that I complete a residential program. I must add that me being released, was a seemingly impossible feat to accomplish to even a skilled criminal defense attorney, yet her persuasive tactics at advocating proved her fervor and talent.
— Male, former inmate
Upon first meeting Cynthia in passing it was clear that she was upfront and not afraid to speak her mind, but above all else she was completely and honestly there to help. . . . Cynthia was my rock, she was my breath when I couldn’t breathe. . . . . Cynthia was at every single one of my court dates ready to stand by my side and fight to the bitter end. . . . Cynthia never stopped asking questions and making sure I was ok. . . . In all honesty, Cynthia might have saved my life. . . . Now here I am one year out of jail, 5 months after my case coming to an end with 3 years’ probation and I couldn’t be happier. I am working full time, I live on my own in a nice apartment. . . . NONE of this would have been possible without the love, guidance and support of Cynthia and the F8 Foundation.
— Male, former Inmate
I have incessantly struggled with both addiction and incarceration since the age of 16. A total of over ten years spent incarcerated for crimes which were fueled by my physical dependency to drugs. . . . Recently I had accumulated violations of probation due to new criminal charges. . . . It was then that the F8 stepped in and aided tremendously in such a tangible way. Attending roughly 6 court dates, speaking to probation officers, the district attorney as well as the presiding judge. A bed was made available at xxx. I should let it be known that I am still at xxx and thriving in my recovery. The F8’s connections and method of help is second to none. I am learning how to not only live a life of sobriety but also learning how to live. I’m developing healthy coping mechanisms to replace the habitual negative coping faults. I believe what has helped me the most is the fact that The F8 Foundation and the founder saw something in me that I could not see.
— Recovering addict and former inmate
. . . Cynthia was a sigh of relief coming into our halfway house with music therapy, resume writing classes, recovery yoga, and so much more. I had never been to a halfway house before. I felt alone, scared, and lost. Cynthia would talk to me and make me feel comfortable. It was like she knew exactly how I felt and what I was going thru and always knew what to say to make me feel better. . . More importantly Cynthia made me feel like a real person again. . .She is a shoulder to cry on, a ride to court and lawyers, a ride to my AA meetings, and one of the most influential people in my life today. . . With Cynthia’s help and expertise in business I started my own (business) which my fiance and I work for to support our family. . . The deep depression I was in before I met her may have led me back to the drugs and alcohol. I feel that I owe my daily successes to Cynthia and her program and I’m forever grateful . . .
— Recovering addict
. . . My son has been an addict for many years, in and out of jail more times than I can count . . . . Cynthia has been instrumental working with not only the court system, but with my son’s attorneys, the probation department, and my family. She is very familiar with the throes of addiction, family dynamics and the processes of the judicial system. Ms. Kussy-Goldberg is a much needed asset to our loved ones that are fighting this horrendous disease. My family is so blessed and thankful to have her in our lives. She is truly a Godsend.
— Registered Nurse and mother of an addict
F-8 is doing what others only talk softly about; they empower people to once again take charge of their lives and their responsibility for themselves.
— Male, former inmate
When I returned home from my incarceration in December 2014, I thought I could get no lower... I had filled out numerous job applications, and had many interviews all with the same results ‘no return calls’. Then I contacted [The F8 Foundation]. [A Foundation staff member] was at my house the next day! She was sincere, supportive and positive. Within a week I had a job, thanks to [her] and her hard work and perseverance.
— Female, former inmate with Master's degree in Nursing and over 30 years of experience
[The F8 Foundation’s Director] has exhibited unfailing dedication to her commitment to helping people in need. If anyone can make a difference, she can because this women goes the extra mile and commands respect because she ‘walks the walk.’ Personally, [she] has provided me with much needed re-entry support and I am now over two years clean and sober and am just finishing up my first semester at UMass...
— Female participant
I have known the [Director of The F8 Foundation] for several years and regard her as a most valuable and trusted colleague. I am continually impressed by her compassion and commitment to the founding and success of The F8 Foundation and have enlisted her assistance with The Learning Path on many occasions.
— Gail Rasmussen, Program Coordinator for The Learning Path